Seven Points to Consider When Selecting an Attorney


Finding an appeals attorney can be a complicated task and would require you to consider a plethora of factors before making a decision. An attorney is someone who represents you in the court of law, which is why it is imperative to make an informed decision, especially when it comes down to an appeal attorney. […]

Vanished: Ray Gricar

Colton Pitonya Appeal Dismissed for Jennifer Cave's Murder

Ray Gricar, Gone Without a Trace: Ray Gricar was a successful prosecutor who was later elected district attorney in Pennsylvania. He had been practicing law since 1985, and by the time his career reached its 20-year mark, he had prosecuted many notable and high profile cases. He planned on not running for reelection of district […]

Former Georgia Attorney Found Guilty of Murder

best criminal appeal lawyer in georgia

Attorney Alec McNaughton found guilty of murder. It was Valentine’s Day 2009 and former Georgia attorney Alec McNaughton and his wife Cathy celebrated the holiday by exchanging cards and gifts over a nice breakfast together. They each expressed their love for each other in the cards, shared chocolates, and somehow within hours, Cathy would lay […]