Marijuana: How it Fared in the November Elections and Why

The voters in Oregon, Alaska and the District of Columbia spoke with their votes this November 4th 2014 and legalized marijuana for recreational use in their state. Joining Colorado and Washington state, Oregon, Alaska and D.C. are set to see their respective recreational marijuana use law become effective at the beginning of 2015. Eighteen states, including […]

Is Pennsylvania the next state to enact a Medical Marijuana Law?

As The Washington Post reports that states with medical marijuana laws enacted have a 25% lower incident of prescription overdose deaths than states without such laws, it is beginning to appear that Pennsylvania may become the next state to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes. Riding a wave of good news of those in support of medical […]

Florida May Become First Southeast State To Legalize Medical Marijuana

As an appeals lawyer discusses, Florida may well become the twenty-third state to legalize marijuana for medical purposes. Although the measure must still be voted on and signed into law, marijuana entrepreneurs are hopeful. Would you like to read about: Florida’s Governor Rick Scott Agrees to Support Legislation to Legalize Marijuana Extract for Medical Use The State […]

Florida’s Governor Rick Scott Agrees to Support Legislation to Legalize Marijuana Extract for Medical Use

Florida Governor

Florida Governor Rick Scott has indicated he will sign a law legalizing a certain form of marijuana for medical use. As a Florida appeals attorney can explain, this represents a victory for proponents of medical marijuana though Governor Scott still opposes full medical marijuana legalization. The Background Behind Recent Medical Marijuana Legislation The Republican-controlled Florida House […]

Decriminalization and Legalization of Marijuana

Legalization of Marijuana

State By Case Decriminalization and Legalization of Marijuana At the start of this year, Colorado was the first state to implement the legal use of recreational marijuana. It is a huge milestone and an ongoing battle to make weed decriminalized and legal in the United States. While the state of Colorado has legalized marijuana, it […]