Florida and Stand Your Ground, Take 2: Michael Dunn Shoots and Kills Jordan Davis
Not too long after the controversial George Zimmerman case came to a verdict, Florida had a new stand your ground case with national attention. This time Michael Dunn was accused of murdering 17 year old Jordan Davis. Mr. Dunn claims self-defense, saying that Davis came out of his vehicle in a threatening gesture, with a gun, so he protected himself appropriately.
For the Florida Statute on the matter, click here.
The events of that night, according to the defense, are as follows. On November 23, 2012, Michael was driving with his fiancée from his sons wedding, when he pulled into a gas station in Jacksonville, Florida next to a Dodge Durango that was full of teens who were playing loud music. Michael claims he politely asked the teens to turn down the music, which they did. What happened next is where the stories tend to differ. The defense claims that after Michael returned to his vehicle, when Jordan exited his and approached Michael. (Making threats and gestures, Michael felt like his life was in danger, since he had seen a shot gun in the other car when he went to ask for the music to be turned down, so he protected himself.)
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However, detectives did not find any gun, none the less a shot gun in the car. Michaels fiancée did not see or hear anything about a shot gun either. Michael claims he was attempting to stop the attack, not end a life, it just worked out that way, he said.
A total of ten bullets were fired at the victims car. following the incident it was reported that Michael and his fiancée continued on their drive to a bed and breakfast that was approximately 40 miles away. Unaware that he had actually hit one of the persons in the car, he walked his dog and had a few drinks. It had been about six hours until he found out that he had killed someone. Michael claims he was instantly, crazy with grief, and experienced severe stomach pains before finally being able to sleep.
Why didn’t Michael call the police to report the incident? After all, he was simply protecting himself. Maybe he truly did not intend on hurting anyone, however many are questioning his lack of action after the events. It wasnt until he was apprehended in his home, that he made any contact with the authorities about this incident.
On February 22, after 30 hours of deliberations, a jury found Michael was found not guilty of murder. Instead, he was convicted of three separate counts of criminal attempted second degree murder. While some would say that these charges were not enough, keep in mind that each of these offenses carries a minimum prison time of 20 years. The now 47 year old will be approximately 107 years old, if the judge goes for the minimum sentence.
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