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Use Appeal Lawyers Jacksonville to Set Things Right

top Jacksonville appeal lawyer

There are many things that you can leave to chance in this world but let’s face it, your appeal is not one of them. When you lose your court case and suffer a conviction or judgment against you, it has a way of ruining your life, or at least making things very difficult for you […]

Set the Record Straight with Appeal Lawyers Miami

Miami appeals lawyers

There is an old and arguably misguided belief that if you go to court, and if you are innocent, then you have nothing to worry about. This, however, is further from the truth than most people realize. In both civil and criminal cases, there are those who have found themselves the victims of faulty judgments […]

Appellate Lawyers in Houston

top houston texas criminal appeal lawyers

Appeal your case with us and be guaranteed of our experience in appeals in both state and federal courts. Our goal is to help you win the argument on appeal; we have the most experienced appeal lawyers Houston has to offer. At our firm we take time to understand your case and follow through with […]

Choosing the Right Appeal Lawyers in Jacksonville

top Jacksonville appellate attorneys

The United States Constitution allows every citizen to have access to a fair trial. Part of the fair judicial process includes the right to an appeal. If you feel that the results of your case were unfair, you should consider hiring appeal attorneys in Jacksonville. We understand the importance of having a quality attorney on […]

Hiring Appeals Lawyers in Miami

miami appellate attorneys

When a case does not go your way and you want to file an appeal, having the best Appeal lawyers Miami will help take away stress and give you hope for a better future. We know that both civil and criminal cases do not always work out perfectly. When you feel that a case has […]

Sigma Alpha Epsilon and the University of Oklahoma

pensylvania federal appeal lawyers

Fraternities Gone Wild This year has not been a flattering one for the Greek life across the United States. From scorching reviews of sexual assault to journalistic reviews of a culture of racism and sexism, it seems fraternity life is not quite as glamorous as it once was. Just this past month the University of […]

The Law Office Of Robert Sirianni is the Austin Appellate Law Firm for You

top criminal appellate lawyers

If you have been searching for appeal lawyers Austin for a while and have had no luck, we think your luck is about to change with us at the Law Office Of Robert Sirianni. When searching for civil appeal lawyers Austin, there are many factors that should go into your decision when picking a firm […]

Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams Appeal Copyright Case of Marvin Gaye

blurred lines copyright

Blurred Lines and Copyright When it comes to copyright law, the question of infringement does not always result in a clear answer. In fact, determining infringement is an incredibly difficult question. This is probably because, when it comes to songwriting, infringement exists when songs sound too similar. The terminology employed most often by judges is to […]

Senator Carol Liu Senate Bill 192 to Require Cycling Safety

criminal lawyer Carol Liu

 Senator Carol Liu Introduces Bill to Require Cycling Safety As adults we often tell young children how to live their lives safely and avoid injury. We tell them to look both ways before crossing busy streets. We correct them if they forget to buckle their seatbelts on a car trip. We also make sure they wear […]

Cameron Todd Willingham Appeals Texas Conviction

texas supreme court appeal law firm

Cameron Todd Willingham Appeals Conviction in Texas On a chilly December day in 1991, a home in Corsicana, Texas caught fire. On this day in 1991 four members of the Willingham family were inside the home: a two-year-old named Amber, two one-year-old twins named Karmon and Kameron and the girls father, Cameron Todd Willingham. The […]