Colton Pitonya Appeal Dismissed for Jennifer Cave’s Murder

In 2007, a Texan man named Colton Pitonyak went to trial for the murder of a young woman named Jennifer Cave. Cave was murdered in 2005 allegedly in the West Campus apartment of Pitonyak. After her murder, Jennifer Caves body was dismembered. Currently, Pitonyak is serving a 55 year sentence for Caves murder. On Wednesday, […]
Why Hire a Criminal Appellate Attorney?

The Importance of Appellate Attorneys The word “attorney” means many different things to many different people. Attorney traditionally translate as someone who is well versed in the law. In decades past this was probably a fair translation. In today’s world this translation is about as useful as knowing that a teacher is someone who helps […]
The Law Office Of Robert Sirianni is the Austin Appellate Law Firm for You

If you have been searching for appeal lawyers Austin for a while and have had no luck, we think your luck is about to change with us at the Law Office Of Robert Sirianni. When searching for civil appeal lawyers Austin, there are many factors that should go into your decision when picking a firm […]
Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams Appeal Copyright Case of Marvin Gaye

Blurred Lines and Copyright When it comes to copyright law, the question of infringement does not always result in a clear answer. In fact, determining infringement is an incredibly difficult question. This is probably because, when it comes to songwriting, infringement exists when songs sound too similar. The terminology employed most often by judges is to […]
Cameron Todd Willingham Appeals Texas Conviction

Cameron Todd Willingham Appeals Conviction in Texas On a chilly December day in 1991, a home in Corsicana, Texas caught fire. On this day in 1991 four members of the Willingham family were inside the home: a two-year-old named Amber, two one-year-old twins named Karmon and Kameron and the girls father, Cameron Todd Willingham. The […]
How Civil Appeal Lawyers Jacksonville Can Help You
Appeals can be a very complicated legal matter. An appeal is filed when there is reason to review a case for errors. This isnt a step that can be done independently, as there are strict regulations when filing the appeal. Experienced appeal lawyers Jacksonville residents use can help with every step of this process, ensuring […]
Jessica’s Law for California Sex Offenders

California Court’s Stance on Sex Offenders In 2006, 70 percent of California voters approved The Sexual Predator Punishment and Control Acts, also known as Jessica’s Law. In fact, 5,926,800 of Californias approximately 8 million voters approved the legislation. The law was authored by Republican Senator George Runner and Republican State Assemblywoman Sharon Runner, husband and […]
Rodney Reed Stays Death Penalty in Texas Execution for Murder of Stacey Stites
Rodney Reed Gets A Stay of Execution in Texas Death Penalty Case Rodney Reed has been a Texas death row inmate since his trial for the 1996 murder of Stacey Stites. Stites was the 19-year-old fiancée of Officer Jimmy Fennell. During his trial, the state argued that Reed had raped and murdered the 19-year-old, and […]
Michael Mastromarino: The Bone Snatcher

Dr. Michael Mastromarino: The Bone Snatcher Michael Mastromarino was an oral surgeon with a successful practice in the New York City area. Things were going quite well for him until he became addicted to painkillers in the early 2000s, and as a result, ended up losing his medical license after charges were filed relating to […]
Man, Superman, Gunman? The Oscar Pistorious Murder Trial

The trial of the world-famous Olympic double-amputee Oscar Pistorious began March 3rd, 2014. The Blade Runner has pleaded not guilty to the premeditated murder of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. Pistorious has admitted that yes, it was he who fired the shots through the door that killed Steenkamp, but he says he mistook her for an […]