Appellate law is about undoing a less than favorable trial court outcome. However, an appeal is not a new trial because you cannot present new evidence or consider new witnesses.
Appellate lawyers scrutinize trial records and other documents, including trial transcripts and evidentiary materials. Then, they analyze relevant case laws to decide if it makes sense to appeal. Such decisions are based on errors in the trial procedure or an error in the interpretation of the law.
If there is a sufficient reason for the appeal, the appeal lawyer files a brief. The brief presents relevant arguments for the appeal and seeks an opportunity for the lawyer to argue those points.
What Is the Need for Appellate Law?
Appellate courts exist to review the decision of the lower court or the order of an administrative agency. Appeals determine if the court has applied the law correctly or if the judge has made a mistake. Appellate laws are set to correct these mistakes and give people access to a fair rule of law.
Similarly, sometimes one court’s ruling can affect a larger segment of society. In those cases, the higher court steps in to make a policy decision that the lower courts apply in future decisions.
What Is the Appellate Process?
The process begins by filing a notice of appeal. The appeal lawyer files a brief stating the client’s side of the facts and legal arguments. The party appealing is called appellant, and the party required to respond is the appellee. The appellee then files an answer brief giving reasons for opposing the brief. The appellant may then file a second brief, answering points raised in the reply brief.
Sometimes, a decision is made based on the written brief. Other times, the appellate court allows an oral argument before coming to a decision.
What Are the Different Types of Appeal?
There are two types of appeals. Here is a quick look at both of them.
- Appeal as a Matter of Right
This type of appeal refers to a party’s right to appeal a trial court’s decision without needing approval from any court.
- Discretionary Appeal
This type refers to an appellate court’s discretion to decide whether an appeal is to be reviewed by the court.
What Are the Different Standards of Review?
There are three basic categories of decisions that can be appealed for review. They are questions of law, questions of fact, and questions of abuse of discretion. Additionally, findings of facts are reviewed for clear error.
Are you looking for federal appeal lawyers in Georgia? Call us at 888-233-8895 for a consultation about your case.
View More: 4 Qualities to Look for in a Federal Appeal Lawyer