When it comes to home owners associations, there are some good ones, and then there are the bad ones. If you’re reading this page, then you’re probably unfortunate enough to belong to one of the bad ones. Home owners associations and condo associations are designed to provide for the neighborhood/complex and serve as a liaison between homeowners and private and public services. Contact our home owners association appeals attorneys at 1-888-233-8895 for a free consultation.
If your home owner’s association management team is failing to provide you with the services that you pay for, then it’s important to take action immediately by contacting an appeal lawyer. Let Brownstone Law help you deal with your home owners association appeals. Here are a few of the ways our legal team can help.
In the early stages of a new neighborhood, the developer has control over things like landscaping and services. At a certain point, the developer control is handed over to a home owners association. Oftentimes, there are disputes surrounding the timing and way that the developer control is shifted. Brownstone Law’s appeal lawyers can fight for you in this matter!
When the homes in your neighborhood share a common and/or recurrent issue, we highly recommend that you hire a lawyer for construction defect litigation. It’s important to address construction defect litigation issues as early as possible for yourself and future buyers.
Whether motivated by selfish reasons or otherwise, many home owners associations fail to enforce association rules or abide by governing documents. Other home owners associations amend governing documents without due consent. If your home owners association is guilty of any of these things, let Brownstone Law help you prosecute.
If you have been on the wrong side of a judgment regarding a home owners association case, contact Brownstone Law’s home owners association appeals lawyers now. We have the knowledge to fight for your appeal. Call now for your free home owners association appeals consultation 1-888-233-8895.
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