Nevada Federal Post-Conviction Lawyer

Brownstone Law is an federal appellate law firm composed of experienced criminal lawyers, federal appellate attorneys, and federal criminal defense lawyers ready to take on your legal concerns regarding the filing of your writ of habeas corpus in the court of jurisdiction of Nevada. We have handled a variety of post conviction ranging from federal crime appeals, criminal writs under 2255 and 2254. Brownstone Law has been considered as an institution for clients opting to avail of their right to a habeas corpus, and with this firm’s federal crime lawyers’ expertise and experience, you can be sure that you get the best legal assistance that’s just what you need to perfect your case’s appeals. Contact Robert Sirianni, our lead federal criminal attorneys today. You can contact our federal law firm by completing the contact us page.

Call our Nevada federal habeas corpus criminal lawyers at (702) 329-3288.

Nevada Federal Habeas Corpus Petitions

Brownstone Law’s Nevada post-conviction criminal lawyers handle all sorts of federal criminal cases, including drug convictions. The thing about immigration cases is that they may deprive individuals of the right to enjoy residency in the United States, making it even more critical to file for an immigration appeal. In certain situations, filing a habeas corpus petition in Kentucky can be a legal avenue to challenge unlawful detention or deportation. Brownstone Law also undertakes the filing of ICE, Immigration enforcement appeal, federal immigration appeals, and deportation appeals, along with the filing of other suited legal remedies such as motion to vacate sentence, vacate criminal conviction, invoking the federal removal statute, and such other similar laws.  Contact our Nevada federal crime lawyers at (702) 329-3288.  Return to our main federal post conviction writ of habeas corpus page to learn more.

While there are states that allow the use of medical marijuana, many cases may arise in other areas throughout the nation. In this case, it may be best to call an appeals lawyer that is knowledgeable in all types of drug appeals. At Brownstone Law, our attorneys are knowledgeable and experienced in these types of habeas corpus petitions. Our federal criminal lawyers in Nevada handle criminal cases in Reno, Las Vegas, and Henderson.


Nevada Federal Habeas Corpus Motions

Pre-trial and trial case rulings may not turn out as you expected. If your life has changed because of these rulings, you need to know that you got the facts properly managed during your trial. Your next step is to take your case to the federal criminal appellate court and confirm that you have been properly represented. A lawyer who understands the appellate system in your state is a necessary advocate to your cause. Brownstone Law is the firm you need to contact. Our attorneys specialize in federal writ cases and they know exactly what you need to do to get your case before the judge.

Federal Post Conviction Lawyers

Our federal crime appellate lawyers represent the aggrieved party in a criminal case to appeal the client’s conviction rendered by the justice court to the district court and to the Supreme Court. When you are contemplating of appealing your criminal case to the Supreme Court, it is important that you are represented by experienced Nevada federal post-conviction federal lawyers. The Brownstone appellate lawyers are experts in Nevada revised statutes and excellent in the latest jurisprudence penned by the Supreme Court. They have an extensive experience in handling civil, criminal and post-conviction petitions. Contact us at (702) 329-3288. Our federal criminal lawyers in Las Vegas Nevada are here to help you with your federal crime petition for writ of habeas corpus.

4616 W Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89102