- Brownstone Law
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Brownstone is an experienced appellate law firm. Our appeals attorneys represent clients from across the United States in civil and criminal cases before the Federal and State Courts. Connect with top appellate attorney Robert Sirianni to discuss your appeal. We have won significant victories for our clients on appeal. Our appeal lawyers handle many areas of appellate law, including white collar criminal defense, drug appeals, criminal appellate matters, fraud appeal cases, environmental appeals, business tort appeals; securities appeal cases against the SEC, and property. Our appeal attorneys have a reputation for excellence in post-trial and appellate work. Let a team of appellate lawyers represent you.
Our appellate lawyers have years of experience. We know how to prepare and present the best possible case on appeal for our appellate clients. Our main objective is to provide our appellate law firm clients with an opportunity to win at the appellate court level. We combine knowledge about the appeal process, skill in drafting appellate cases and experience to present the most effective appeals for our clients.
Brownstone appellate litigation law firm handles cases in every appellate court across the United States, including the United States Supreme Court. Our appellate lawyers look at every aspect of the case to develop a winning strategy for appeal. Our appellate team of appeals attorneys fights cases based on errors committed in the original trial or by the trial court judge. We handle criminal appeals and have handled a wide variety of criminal appellate issues.
Brownstone is an experienced criminal appellate law firm concentrating on state court criminal appeals and federal criminal appeals. Brownstone criminal appeals lawyers. We handled cases of national importance and criminal cases that set legal precedents. Led by Robert Sirianni, Jr., Brownstone criminal appeal attorneys are focused on winning the argument on appeal. Our team fights cases based on courts that abuse discretion or exceed their jurisdiction. Deadlines for filing appeals are often short. Our appeal attorneys make sure filings are done in a timely manner and that no opportunity is lost.
- Kenneth Minor: The Hit Man Hired by the Victim
- The War on Drugs: Is It Enemy #1?
- Brownstone Law Mentioned in Recent Riverfront Times News Article
- Robert Sirianni Jr. Recently Quoted In Associated Press Article
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- Decriminalization and Legalization of Marijuana
- Michael Mastromarino: The Bone Snatcher
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- Paying for Witness Testimony — Colorado
- Utah Passes Charlees Law
- Amanda Knox Convicted Again
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- Another Brownstone Victory
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- Massachusetts Court Ruling on Upskirt Photos
- New Sentencing Hearings for Close to 100 Illinois Convicts
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- Kennedy Cousin Michael Skakel Released on Bail
- Heartbeat – Abortion Law Struck Down
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- Cattle Battle on Federal Land Likely Avoided
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- Convicted Penn State Assistant Coach Jerry Sandusky Loses Latest Appeal
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- 5 Things You Didnt Know About Habeas Corpus Relief
- Still Awaiting Justice for Colorados Horrific Movie Theater Shooting
- Chuck Yeager Tackles Numerous Legal Battles
- Brevard Judge Accused of Punching Public Defender
- Lawyers for O.J. Simpson File Latest Appeal to Overturn 2007 Robbery Conviction
- Colorado’s Marijuana Sales are Skyrocketing
- Florida’s Governor Rick Scott Agrees to Support Legislation to Legalize Marijuana Extract for Medical Use
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- New Advocacy Group Fights for Lesser Punishments for Financial Crimes
- A New Emerging Loophole to Attorney-Client Privilege
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- Controversial New Jersey Gun Law Will Remain in Effect For Now
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- Federal Appeals Court Denies Terrorism Suspect Access to Government Files Used Against Him
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- Florida High Court Rejects Death Row Inmate’s Appeal Claiming Mental Disability
- Supreme Court Rejects Argument About Drugs Used In Lethal Injection
- New York’s Governor Attempts to Put the Breaks on Bill to Legalize Medicinal Marijuana
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- Dalia Dippolito wins appeal: Appeals Court grants new trial
- NFL Hopeful Now Faces Life Behind Bars for Triple Murder
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- FBI Succeeds in Recovering 168 Children in Sweeping Human Trafficking Operation
- A Texas Teen Faces Life Behind Bars for Making and Selling Pot Brownies
- Two Baltimore Officers Suspended After Accusations They Slit a Dog’s Throat
- Seattle Gunmen Set to Plead Insanity in School Shooting Case
- After Serving 18 Years for a Crime He Didn’t Commit, Freed Inmate Tells His Story
- Paroled Felon Arrested Based on Tip After Posting His Ice Bucket Challenge Online
- The Role of GPS Tracking to Locate and Apprehend Criminals
- Is Pennsylvania the next state to enact a Medical Marijuana Law?
- What is the Federal Government Serving for Lunch?
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- Marijuana: How it Fared in the November Elections and Why
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- The Public Bedroom
- Guilty Until Proven Innocent
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- Transportation Recall Enhancement, Accountability Documentation
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- Omegle & Julissa Romero
- Texas Abortion Appeal Reaches Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal
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- Brittany Maynard Right to Die
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- Conshohocken company alleges that the Liquor Control Board forced them to close up shop and take a loss of about $81 million
- Pasquale Vaglio Suit for vacation on Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines Explorer of the Sea.
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- The Law Office of Robert Sirianni: A Miami Appellate Law Firm
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- Independent Contractors
- Appeal lawyers Houston
- Finding an Attorney for your Appeal
- Cameron Todd Willingham Appeals Texas Conviction
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- The Law Office Of Robert Sirianni: Appeal Lawyers Austin
- Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams Appeal Copyright Case of Marvin Gaye
- The Law Office Of Robert Sirianni is the Austin Appellate Law Firm for You
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- Hiring Appeals Lawyers in Miami
- Choosing the Right Appeal Lawyers in Jacksonville
- Tampa Federal Criminal Appeals Attorneys At Your Service
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- Lisa Mearkle: A Question of Self Defense or Criminal Homicide
- Texas’s Success without Excessive Police Force
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- Use Appeal Lawyers Tampa for your Day in Appellate Court
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- Religious Freedom in Pennsylvania
- What to Expect When you hire an Appeals Attorney in Jacksonville
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- Texas Court of Appeals Delays Execution of Clifton Lamar Williams
- Rick Perry – Texas Governor Appeals Case on Free Speech
- Why Hire a Criminal Appellate Attorney?
- Ken Purdy Fights for Freedom
- Kathleen Kane Pennsylvania Attorney General Investigation of Prosecutors
- Uber Complaint for Taxi Fees
- Han Tak Lee South Korean Appeal Case
- Attorney Bruce Anderson Sues Chief Justice Rogelio Valdez: Appeal to Fifth Circuit
- Lakisha Ward-Green Case in Pittsburgh: 16 year old Robert Chambers IV
- Ken Purdy Files Habeas Corpus and Appeal for Immediate Release From Prison as a Juvenile
- Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt Texas Abortion Clinic
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- Pennsylvania death penalty appeals
- Qu’eed Batts and the case of Clarence Edwards
- Social Media Evidence Admitted into Court for Appeal
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- Federal Appeals Pennsylvania
- Colton Pitonya Appeal Dismissed for Jennifer Cave’s Murder
- What is an Appellate Lawyer?
- All You Need To Know About Appellate Lawyers
- 8 Steps That Help You Win Your Criminal Appeal
- 10 Qualities a Professional Lawyer Should Have
- How to Become an Appellate Attorney?
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- Tips for Writing a Strong Appellate Brief for the First Time
- Lorenzo v. Securities and Exchange Commission: Federal Appeal
- Nouman Raja Conviction Appeal
- Appeals Court Overturns Conviction of Emily Usnick
- First Amendment Substantial Truth Defense
- Brownstone Law Files Petition to United States Supreme Court
- Kyle Hurst v. United States Forest Service – Petition for Writ of Certiorari
- Young Petition for Writ of Certiorari US Supreme Court
- Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals Supreme Court Petition – Copeland
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- Everything You Wanted to Know About Appealing a Case
- How to Choose a Criminal Appeals Lawyer
- What Goes into a Good Appellate Brief?
- What Is Habeas Corpus? Why Is It Important?
- 4 Tips to Help You Win Your Criminal Appeal
- Why Trial Lawyers Aren’t the Right Choice to Manage Appeals
- Reasons to Hire an Appellate Lawyer
- How Often Are Appeals Successful?
- Understanding the Appeals Process
- 3 Elements That Make a Good Appellate Brief
- What to Consider When Hiring an Appellate Attorney
- Difference Between an Appeal and a Writ of Habeas Corpus
- What Are the Causes of Wrongful Conviction?
- Top 25 Questions to Ask Your Criminal Appeal Lawyer
- 4 Qualities to Look for in a Federal Appeal Lawyer
- What Is Appellate Law?
- How Long Does It Take For A Federal Criminal Appeal To Be Decided By The Court
- 5 Steps to Appeal a Criminal Conviction
- 15 Best Tips to Build an Appellate Practice
- 3 Things to Expect in an Appellate Court
- What Are the Common Grounds for Criminal Appeals?
- Top 5 Tips for Remote Appellate Arguments During COVID-19
- On What Grounds Are Criminal Convictions Appealed?
- How Does the Appeal Procedure Work?
- Here Are 4 Reasons Why You Should Hire an Appellate Lawyer
- The Seven Commandments of Writing a Winning Appellate Brief
- Post-Conviction Relief Process: How does the Process Work?
- What Happens if a Notice of Appeal Is Filed While Post-Trial Motions Are Pending in Tampa?
- Common Florida Appellate Lawyer Terminology To Know: Appeals Attorneys in Florida
- What Do Appellate Judges Consider When Reviewing an Appeal?
- What’s the Difference Between Trial & Appellate Attorney in Florida?
- How to file an appeal in Florida
- A Comprehensive Overview of Appellate Lawyers in Miami
- An Overview of the practicing appellate lawyers in Houston
- Donnitta Sinclair Petitions Supreme Court to Hear CHOP Case
- Overcoming the Challenges of Filing an Appeal in Atlanta
- The Criminal Justice System with Appellate Lawyers in Dallas
- Gunbroker Shareholder Lawsuit against Ammo Inc
- Role of a criminal appeal lawyer in presenting your case in Orlando
- What is a Petition for Writ of Certiorari and What Does the Supreme Court Do?
- What is a Florida 3.850 Motion for Post Conviction Relief and Motion to Vacate Sentence?
- What is the difference between a federal habeas corpus and motion for post conviction relief?
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